John C. Maxwell Promotes Leadership Culture in Guatemalans

His leadership message reached Guatemala ten years ago through an alliance with the organization Guatemala Próspera and Maxwell Leadership Foundation.

by Pamela Contreras

Guatemala City, by Veylin Herrera -AGN- The Government of Guatemala welcomed the author John Calvin Maxwell and honored his ten years of working for the benefit of Guatemalans.

John C. Maxwell is an American author and speaker internationally renowned for having written more than 80 books that promote leadership.

His message of leadership, ethics, and moral values first reached Guatemala ten years ago, thanks to a collaboration between Guatemala Próspera and the Maxwell Leadership Foundation.

This partnership has reached approximately 2.5 million Guatemalans who have taken  leadership courses in the country, contributing to individuals, families, jobs, and productivity improvement.

Education Support

Maxwell’s Foundation has reached 1.8 million students in the public education sector through books and programs such as I Decide, I Act, and I Lead.

Those programs are free for students from fourth to sixth grade and for teachers of the sector.

The Ministry of Education -Mineduc- pointed out that approximately 800,000 adults had  received training in transformation, ethics, leadership, and motivation.

These actions are possible thanks to the management of the ministry and the resources provided by Guatemala Próspera with the support of the Maxwell Foundation.

The Inclusion of More Countries

Based on the positive results in Guatemala, the Maxwell Foundation and Guatemala Próspera announced that these programs have been implemented in more countries. Paraguay, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, and Panama will be the next countries to implement these programs.

In this regard, John C. Maxwell expressed his gratitude to the Guatemalan authorities for their unconditional support throughout this decade of collaboration.

He stated, “We have been coming to the country for ten  years with high hopes, praying to influence  society positively.” 

Finally, he emphasized how these results are possible thanks to his work team, which has promoted the coverage of these programs at the international level.

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