Guatemala City, by Yuliza Muñoz -AGN.- Guatemala begins work plans for World Breastfeeding Week 2023. From August 1 to 7, the world seeks to raise awareness of the importance of breastfeeding for human development and the rights of motherhood.
The Secretariat of Food and Nutritional Security -Sesan- joined the actions to promote breastfeeding in the country since it is vital for the first six months of a child’s life, as it contributes to their cognitive development.
The World Health Organization -WHO- has established four key objectives for this week:
- Inform
- Anchor
- Engage
- Galvanize
Inform people about working parents’ perspectives on breastfeeding and parenting. Anchor optimal paid leave and workplace support as important tools to enable breastfeeding.
The WHO also seeks to engage with individuals and organizations to enhance collaboration and support for breastfeeding at work. Finally, galvanize action on improving working conditions and relevant support for breastfeeding.
With the slogan “Let’s make breastfeeding and work, work! This year’s focus is on defending maternity rights that support breastfeeding, especially in the workplace.
The WHO, supported by local governments, aims to raise awareness that women should not have to choose between breastfeeding and working.