San Marcos, by AGN.- The Guatemalan Institute of Tourism -Inguat-, as part of the project Viajando X Guate, carried out different activities in the department of San Marcos, intending to position it as a tourist destination.
The authorities reported that through these actions, they seek to increase domestic demand, and Guatemalans get to know the diversity of attractions in the 30 municipalities of the department.
Viajando X Guate Project aims to promote the culture of domestic tourism. The host departments are San Marcos, Alta Verapaz, and Baja Verapaz. These places have been prepared to receive tourists since they have wonderful tourist attractions.
Viajado X Guate launch took place at the Quetzal Refuge, the national bird’s habitat. A photographic stop, cones, and traffic drums for road signs were installed at the tourist attraction in San Rafael Pie de la Cuesta, San Marcos.
Afterward, the participants toured the architectural masterpiece Palacio Maya, where Inguat’s sub-regional office recently opened to serve the department as a priority to manage the tourist development.
During the evening, the Inguat marimba and the Folkloric Ballet performed in the frontispiece of the Palacio Maya.
Tourism Brand
The sub-regional delegate of Inguat stated that the tourism brand creation of the department of San Marcos is an opportunity for the tourism sector to work together and position the department at a national and international level.
The brand is also intended to showcase the department’s tourism offerings and enable entrepreneurs to reorganize their packages. Currently, 100 entrepreneurs from 30 municipalities are participating in the project.
Finally, domestic tourism strives to reactivate all sectors economically and surpass last year’s 74% domestic tourism visits.