INSIVUMEH Now Equipped with Tsunami Alert System

This Tide Gauge Station has been installed at the Pacific Naval Command.

by Victor Cojulún

Guatemala City, -AGN- The National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology, and Hydrology -Insivumeh- has installed equipment in the Pacific Ocean for maritime monitoring to strengthen security, research, and sustainable development. 

This equipment will monitor rainfall and sea level and alert any potential tsunamis. Additionally, it will support scientific research, anticipate and mitigate coastal risks, and provide information for navigation.

These instruments measure the height of water bodies, similar to hydrometers. They fulfill the mission of informing navigators about navigation possibilities and provide other benefits.

Monitoring Sea Level

The primary function of a tide gauge station is to measure variations in sea level accurately. These measurements are crucial for understanding long-term trends and seasonal variations and detecting significant sea-level changes that may be related to climate change.

Tsunami Alert

Tide gauge stations can quickly detect sudden changes in sea level that could indicate the arrival of a tsunami. Likewise, this data is fundamental for issuing early warnings and enabling evacuations in vulnerable coastal areas.

Scientific Research

Furthermore, the data collected by tide gauge stations is essential for scientific research in oceanography and climatology. Therefore, this data helps to understand climate patterns, ocean currents, and natural phenomena and helps improve climate models and weather prediction.

Coastal Planning

Also, data from tide gauge stations is crucial for planning and managing coastal areas. It also helps anticipate and mitigate risks associated with rising sea levels, which is essential to coastal communities’ safety and sustainable development.


Information about tides provided by tide gauge stations is vital for navigation, especially in ports and channels. It also helps navigators plan safe routes and avoid issues related to tides.

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