Guatemala City, Julio Barrios -AGN – The electronic devices are scheduled for June. Authorities of the Ministry of the Interior -Mingob- informed that it was part of the country’s Electronic Control System.
These are the first electronic bracelets of electronic tagging in the country. It is an alternative to pre-trial detention to verify the presence or absence of the accused, who benefits from this alternative measure.
According to the Minister of the Interior, “We have reached the final phase and will hold a press conference in two weeks to provide details. By June, the Mingob will be able to install the bracelets.”
Pilot project plan
Congress approved the law for implementing this system to regulate the application of electronic control to the Guatemalan criminal process.
Mingob contracted the rental of 2,000 bracelets and plans to start implementing them by June.
The authorities announced that it would be the judge’s decision as to who would be monitored with the device.
“The initiative is called a pilot project plan because we are going to start with 2000 devices,” stated the Minister of the Interior.
The Device
The method consists of electronic and technical surveillance systems that locate the accused in real-time. It ensures that the person complies with the established law measures.
Mingob authorities emphasized that they will soon hold a press conference with the Judicial Branch -OJ.-
The purpose is to provide details about the installation, placement, and monitoring of all equipment that will be used.
Finally, the purchase was assigned to a company that submitted an offer. It is a low-cost event for the government.