Guatemala City, by Brenda Larios -AGN- The National Migration Authority approved the Migration Policy for Guatemala during a regular meeting of the institutions that comprise it.
The General Director of the Guatemalan Migration Institute -IGM-, Stuard Rodríguez, announced the approval. Director Rodríguez emphasized that the Migration Policy will provide a methodological tool for migrant care and represents a historic milestone.
The document serves as a comprehensive guide for implementation and coordination, offering general guidelines for the actions of institutions related to migration.
The Participants
The process of elaborating the Migration Policy involved the participation of 117 stakeholders, including government, non-governmental, and social entities.
IGM Director Stuard Rodríguez emphasized the need for a legal framework allowing a comprehensive approach from a human rights perspective, as Guatemala is a country of origin, transit, destination, and return for migrants.
The IGM developed the Policy with the support of the International Organization for Migration, involving civil society, associations of Guatemalans abroad, and governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Responsible Entity
The IGM, in conjunction with its subdirectories, will oversee the implementation of the Migration Policy. Furthermore, it will coordinate with State institutions to carry out the actions stipulated by the Policy according to their mandate and competency.
The National Migration Authority will supervise compliance with the Policy as established by the Migration Code.
Director Rodríguez thanked all the sectors involved in the construction process, emphasizing that the issued document will comprehensively respond to the migrant population’s needs.
Since the beginning of the year, the National Civil Police -PNC-, in collaboration with the IGM, has assisted 19,546 people of various nationalities who were irregularly present in Guatemala.
Throughout this period, authorities have conducted strategic operations on highways, bus terminals, and borders to promote safe and orderly migration within the country.
These actions have allowed migration authorities to assist 13,756 Venezuelans, 1,382 Ecuadorians, 1,309 Haitians, 836 Hondurans, 743 Colombians, and individuals from other nationalities.