Guatemala City, by Yuliza Muñoz -AGN-. Authorities of the Executive Branch met with religious representatives to discuss topics to benefit the youth of Guatemala.
The President of Guatemala and the Secretariat of Planning and Programming of the Presidency -Segeplan- led a meeting with South Korean cooperators, including the presidential commissioner for religious freedom.
Korean evangelist Ock Soo Park thanked President Giammattei for the welcome. He added that one of the topics addressed was the presentation of a project to educate the youth.
The evangelist Ock Soo Park stated, “He was very pleased, and we talked about education in the mindset for young people. He referred us to the Minister of Education to implement our project.”
Proposed Initiative
The project aims to support the development of minds in young people. It also seeks to expand their knowledge and mindset to enable them to deal with everyday difficulties.
Young people are encouraged to create change and positive awareness in others through lectures.
Ock Soo Park’s official website states, “Such kind of education has become popular nationally and internationally, as young people experience positive changes after listening to the lectures.”
Another priority is establishing a global network among governments to cooperate in solving social problems affecting young people.
Friendship Ties
Guatemala and Korea have maintained diplomatic ties for 60 years. During this time, the two countries have ensured peace, security, development, and welfare and have created important practices to promote culture and mutual enhancement.
The Republic of Korea has helped the country with health, school infrastructure, hospital safety, small businesses, rural development, drinking water, sanitation, energy, and the environment.