DEIC Investigators Begin Criminal Interpretation Course

The U.S. Embassy supports training the DEIC investigators of the PNC in Guatemala.

by Astrid Luna

Guatemala City, by Lincy Rodríguez -AGN- A course on Interpretation of Information in Criminal Analysis began for twenty-five investigators of the Specialized Division of Criminal Investigation -DEIC- of the National Civil Police -PNC- in Guatemala. 

The course is a crucial element in the educational component of the Strategy for Police Transformation implemented by the Government of Guatemala. This program is conducted through the Ministry of the Interior -Mingob-.

Theory and practice

The training course will be conducted theoretically and field at the Police Specialties School -EEPOL- of the PNC, located in Guatemala City. During this four-day course, the investigators can participate in classes taught by experts daily. 

Strengthening Skills

The police authorities highlighted that the primary purpose of this training is to strengthen the capacities of criminal investigators. The training will provide the necessary tools to carry out an accurate interpretation of information during trial hearings.

Finally, this training is sponsored by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs -INL- of the U.S. Embassy. The objective is to strengthen the prevention, investigation, and intervention capabilities of the country’s police forces to contribute to a more effective justice system.

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