Guatemala City, by AGN. The Government of the Republic, in Council of Ministers, approved Governmental Agreement No. 257-2023, which amends Governmental Agreement No. 831-2000, Regulation of the Law to Prevent, Sanction, and Eradicate Domestic Violence.
The agreement, published on November 28 in the Diario de Centro América, consists of 9 articles. It also amends five mentioned regulations and adds 1, article 13 bis.
Article 1 of Agreement 257-2023 amends Article 9 of said regulation. It refers to the creation of the National Coordinator for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Violence against Women -Conaprevi-.
It also states that the Ministry of the Interior will coordinate this agency through the Third Vice-Ministry. It will make the calls, agendas, and records of ordinary and extraordinary meetings.
The National Coordinator
The integration of the coordinator consists of the following:
- President of the Republic
- Solicitor General of the Nation
- Minister of Education
- Minister of Economy
- Minister of Labor and Social Welfare
- Minister of Public Health and Social Assistance
- Minister of Culture and Sports
- Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Minister of the Interior
- Presidential Secretary for Women
- Secretary of Social Communication of the Presidency
- Executive secretary against Sexual Violence, Sexual Exploitation, and Human Trafficking
- Ombudsman for Indigenous Women (Demi)
It is also composed of three representatives appointed by women’s organizations specializing in domestic violence and violence against women.
The ministries and secretariats that comprise the coordinator must implement public policies for the prevention and eradication of domestic violence and violence against women.
Article 3 amends Article 11 of the regulations. It refers to Conaprevi’s attributions. These include the follow-up, coordination, and promotion of the public policies issued on the matter.
In addition, the next article refers to agencies of Conaprevi, in their budgets, who must make the corresponding allocations for their performance in the National Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of Violence Against Women.
Other Amendments
Article 5 also amends Article 13 of the Rules of Procedure. It is administrative regarding the regulation of ordinary and extraordinary committee sessions.
Finally, Article 9 states that the agreement becomes effective on the day following its publication on the official means.