A New Digital Platform for Regularly Scheduled Vaccination is Available

People will find the dashboard with different information on the digital platform.

by Pamela Contreras

Guatemala City, by Brenda Larios -AGN- The Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance -MSPAS- launched a digital platform to inform about the regular vaccination schedule in the country.

According to the Health Minister, “This new platform will be available to the citizens and show the total number of people vaccinated under the regular vaccination schedule by municipality and department.”

Representatives of the Pan American Health Organization -PAHO-, health vice ministers, and international donor partners participated in the event.

About the Platform

The vaccination dashboard for the regular schedule in Guatemala is at: https://tableros.mspas.gob.gt/vacunacionesquemaregular/.

The platform includes the following elements :

  • Digitalized data from 2017 to date
  • Ages of people vaccinated
  • Health area
  • Vaccination
  • Municipality and department

The Minister of Health added, “This new platform will allow us to monitor the vaccination process in the Guatemalan population and strengthen the areas where this procedure is less effective.”

The country’s regular vaccination schedule includes doses against hepatitis B, pentavalent, pneumococcal polio, rotavirus, DPT, MMR, and BCG.

The platform details the range of coverage achieved and the percentage by municipality and department. It will be updated daily, according to the data entered in each health post and health center in the country.

Congratulations on the Project

During the official launch, the representative of PAHO in Guatemala highlighted that this tool places Guatemala at the leading edge of health matters. He stated, “This is a good practice only found in a few countries in Latin America. As PAHO, we provide  technical support for its creation, working with the Ministry of Health.”

He pointed out that this website sets the country at the regional forefront, as currently, there are only three digital platforms with this information.

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